3 reasons why H2S is a rising problem in sewer systems
Explore how trends in centralization, sustainability, and efficiency are impacting the hydrogen sulfide challenge for global wastewater utilities.
Centralization, sustainability, and efficiency trends present benefits to the environment and society. Unfortunately, they also act as a catalyst to the hydrogen sulfide problem. Here are three factors that explain why the H2S problem will increase in the years to come.
1. Wastewater treatment is being centralized
Wastewater treatment is being centralized on large, energy efficient plants while smaller plants are shut down or converted to pumping stations. Although there are many upsides associated with this efficiency trend, it also negatively impacts the hydrogen sulfide issue. As more and more wastewater is pumped over increasingly longer distances, the production of hydrogen sulfide will inevitably also increase. And when this happens, more odor and corrosion problems will occur in the sewer network.
2. Rainwater is separated from sewage
Many countries are moving away from combined sewer systems and are instead opting for separate sewer systems, where rainwater and wastewater is collected in separate sewer lines. While this trend has several benefits, it also negatively impacts the hydrogen sulfide problem. Without rainwater to dilute the sewage and keep it flowing, there is a greater risk that stagnant water will cause H2S related odor problems in the collection system.
3. Water consumption is declining
Environmental sustainability is trending as households and industries are becoming better at conserving water. In the US alone, water consumption dropped 9% from 2010 to 2015 according to a study by USGS. Even though this trend is generally positive, a decreased water flow in the sewer system impacts pumping processes. This causes more hydrogen sulfide to be produced as the hydraulic retention time inside the pressurized sewer lines increases.
Although these 3 trends provide numerous benefits, they all unfortunately also accelerate the hydrogen sulfide problem. The good news is that the odor and corrosion issues can be managed – but only if the right H2S insights are available when critical decisions are to be made.
The definitive guide to H2S in wastewater
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